About This Blog

Here am I, cash poor, resource rich and looking for financial cruise control.

At least, that's where this thing started out, but it morphed. 

Let's face it, I'm not poor by any rational definition (although I could be when I stop working).

So, I thought I would be writing about the simple life, with lists like: 10 ways to grow better tomatoes and five ways to faster recycling, tips and wrinkles, do's and don't for frugal living - that kind of thing. 

But that didn't happen (thank goodness). This blog has written itself, and it turns out to be more about my personal and political compass. I certainly wasn't expecting that, but so be it.

Nevertheless, thanks to the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, on current trends it looks like I’ll be working 'til I’m 75, and then become a bag-lady. Frightening? Terrifying.

So the whole financial cruise control thing remains somewhat relevant.

Now, I have great resources - my wonderful diverse family, my wonderful diverse friends, all my (wonderful, diverse) skills and experience and almost best of all, the internet, which is - you've guessed it, wonderful and diverse, to say the least.

I can live frugally, but I want to live well, build up my pension and die with my self-respect (and when I want to, by the way). And I also want to keep my ethics and never eat junk food, while staying tuned, doing good, working hard, really enjoying myself and above all, not worrying about it.

I think that's not too much to ask, really. But it takes a bit of juggling. 

But more than anything else it requires a decent society, with resources shared as equally as possible. That benefits everybody, and I want to be part of building for that.

It's what I was calling financial cruise control. 

Now I just call it writing what I believe in.